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This is a fascinating books which gives an insight into the life and work of Dr Edward Bach.
"The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach tells how Dr. Bach's work developed, from his childhood hopes and dreams of a healthy society, to the discovery of a complete system of 38 remedies which address all aspects of human nature, emotional outlook and personality. Edward Bach was an eminent physican whose remarkable contribution to medicine , healing and humanity has yet to be fully realised".
Nora Weeks worked with Dr Bach for many years, and this book gives a wonderful account of his life and his work, through the eyes of someone who knew him. A must for anyone wanting to find out more about Dr Bach, his life and his work.
Over on our dedicated Bach Flower Remedy website you can find the story of Nora Weeks, the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies. Nora's story is integral to the story of Dr Edward Bach and the Bach Remedies, and it is a story of quiet tenacity and dedication. Without Nora Weeks’ determination to preserve her friend and colleague’s work, it is doubtful that the Bach Flower Remedies and the understandings of Edward Bach would have flourished in the way that they have.
The Life of Nora Weeks - the story of the lady behind the Bach Flower Remedies
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