Addictive or Obsessive Behaviour | Crystal Herbs Shop | UK

Addictive or Obsessive Behaviour

Addictive or Obsessive Behaviour
Skullcap flower close up

Flower & Vibrational Essence Suggestions For Addictive or Obsessive Behaviour

Here you can find the different Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that we offer that work with addictions and addictive, compulsive or obsessive behaviour. Choose one or more of the following essences to help with these issues.

Keywords - Addictions, Addictive Personality, Addictive Tendencies, Compulsion, Compulsiveness, Dependency, Obsessions, Obsessiveness

More on Addiction

Addictive, compulsive and obsessive behaviours often stem from energetic blocks in the Sacral Chakra, which is the storehouse for our unresolved emotional baggage and the home of the wounded inner child.

Addictive behaviours are usually attempts to self soothe, fulfil an unmet need, distract from or numb our feelings. Some of the more commonly recognized forms of addictive behaviour are dependency on tobacco, recreational drugs, alcohol, food, relationships, social media or work.

Compulsive behaviours (e.g. excessive cleaning, tooth-brushing, repeated rituals for checking things), can be driven by similar needs to addictions but can also be attempts to exercise some form of control over unwanted obsessive thoughts.

All of these behaviours are fuelled by escapism in one form or another and the unconscious belief that we require something from outside ourselves to make us feel complete. If you’re working with any of these issues, essences can help you to get in touch with your underlying emotions. Essences work best when there is a strong determination from within to release the dependency, and they can be used alongside other professional support.

Keywords - Addictions, Addictive Personality, Addictive Tendencies, Compulsion, Compulsiveness, Dependency, Obsessions, Obsessiveness

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