Comfrey Flower Essence...
Comfrey flower essence is supportive and stabilising to the entire energetic system, helping you to feel connected to your body and all its systems and functions. It redirects and reconnects energy within the subtle energy system so that you will feel more integrated and aligned within yourself. It is particularly soothing to the mind and stabilising to our bodies at an energetic level.
Use it before surgery and after accidents, surgery or any shock and trauma since it will optimise energy flow in the etheric body which holds the blueprint for the physical body. Comfrey essence links together various circuits of information within your subtle energy system which helps you to complete tasks, revitalise your energy, and establish higher levels of spiritual understanding.
Comfrey soothes the mental body so use it if you find it difficult to relax during meditation or want to release unconscious fears, beliefs, trauma and thought patterns. It promotes greater awareness so is useful for dream recall, for when you are coming to the end of a life cycle, and when you want to establish new patterns of consciousness.
Keywords: Meditation | Relaxation | Shock | Trauma