Puya Flower Essence | Crystal Herbs Shop | UK

Puya Flower Essence

Puya alpestris

Puya Flower Essence...

Puya flower essence has a dynamic fiery energy which works as a catalyst for awakening more of your true self as well as giving you the impetus to move forward in your life.

It aligns all the subtle bodies so it has a strengthening and stabilising impact on your energy field. You may experience this as feeling physically present and grounded, mentally focused and clear, emotionally stable and balanced, and spiritually expansive.

Puya essence has a strong connection with the energy channels in the spine, and helps you connect to the earth’s magnetic field so you can feel your connection to Source energy more easily. It brings energy and awareness into the head, brow, crown and higher chakras. Some people describe taking it as feeling a light has been turned on and you’ve been plugged into Source. It helps you to focus on what is going on for you at an inner level and heightens your ability to hear guidance from your true self.

It balances the emotional body, bringing calm even when there’s chaos because it reconnects you to your peaceful centre and helps you find an expanded perspective, greater awareness and objectivity.

Puya is a great essence to use if you want to feel more balanced, aligned and connected with yourself because it works on so many different levels. Take it if you’re feeling stuck, confused, not able to get on with things or want more mental clarity, focus, emotional objectivity, dynamism and motivation. It’s also a great essence to use if you’re on a spiritual journey and looking for a catalyst to accelerate your spiritual growth.

Keywords: Dynamism | Alignment | Clarity | Stability | Focus

10ml Puya FE10-Puya £6.30
25ml Puya FE25-Puya £9.50

More on Puya

Puya Alpestris aka Sapphire Tower is native to the Chilean Andes where it grows on rocky outcrops at high altitude. It can take 6-8 years for the plant to produce its impressive blue/turquoise flowers with vivid orange stamens.

The plant is tall and spiky with a very upright growth habit which conveys the impression that it knows how to stay connected and aligned as it grows to express its full beauty. Observing how the flowers cluster around the central spine of the flower, it’s not surprising that this essence can be felt strongly in the chakras (subtle energy centres) that run along the spine from the base to the crown of the head.

How To Use & More...

Essence Type: Single Flower Essence | Stock Level

How To Use This Essence

How to Use

A normal adult dosage would be 4 drops on the tongue between 2 & 4 x a day, continuing until the bottle is finished. For best results take straight from the stock bottle, without further dilution, and preferably take at least 10 minutes away from food and drink.

Storage Advice - It is best to store vibrational medicine in a cool place away from TV’s, mobile phones, microwaves, computers etc.

How Many Essences Can I Take?

Flower Essences

As a normal adult dosage you can take up to 6 of the single Flower Essences at a time. They will work just as well taken singly or in a combination, but if you would like to combine them, simply mix equal quantities of each essence in an empty clean bottle, or alternatively you can also order them as a pre-made combination here - custom Flower Essence combinations. We wouldn't normally recommend using any other essences whilst using a combination of this type, except the Bach Remedies.

About Flower Essences

White Lotus Flower

Flower Essences can be very deep acting and have the ability to clear old energy patterns, thoughts & emotions, helping restore balance and harmony to mind and emotion. Each Flower Essence holds a particular vibrational frequency or energy, which helps to release old patterns, getting you to the root of an issue.

More About the Single Flower Essences | Download a Leaflet

Handmade With Love & Care... each of our essences are handmade with love and care throughout the making process, from making the mother tincture to bottling & labelling the stock bottles that we send you, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of essence.

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Rose Flower Essences

If you would like any help or advice with any of our Essences or Sets, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.

01379 608059 or 01379 608032

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Choosing an essence either for yourself or someone else is a simple and easy process.

You can find some help, advice and tips and our Essence Selector here:

Choosing an Essence

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