Hyssop Flower Essence...
Hyssop flower essence promotes self-forgiveness by helping you to acknowledge and release deep feelings of guilt at both conscious and unconscious levels. Guilt has been used by most religions and punitive systems in the Western world for centuries to keep people disempowered and easy to control. It sits at the bottom of many people’s feelings of unworthiness and often stops people from stepping into their power in case they ‘do it wrong again’. Guilt is a powerful, uncomfortable energy that often goes unrecognised because it is usually deeply buried and difficult for us to own.
Signs that you might benefit from taking hyssop include feeling as though things are your fault much of the time, worrying about doing something wrong, fear of being punished for getting it wrong, feeling responsible when ‘bad’ things happen, feeling that you are a ‘bad’ person, consciously or unconsciously punishing yourself, and apologising for things that are not your fault.
Hyssop helps to release the vibration of guilt from your energy field by bringing old memories into awareness so that you can disentangle yourself from those unresolved feelings of guilt and self-blame. As these old feelings and the associated mental and emotional tensions are released, you are more able to experience the freedom of being your true self.
Keywords: Forgiveness | Guilt | Self blame | Self acceptance