Pomegranate Flower Essence...
Pomegranate flower essence is perfect for self-nurturing and for awakening qualities which we associate with the feminine such as nurturing, emotional receptivity, creativity and sensuality. Pomegranate essence helps you to recognise and nurture your emotional and creative needs. This enables you to find a healthy balance between nurturing yourself and taking care of the needs of your family, career and other responsibilities.
It is particularly helpful for people who don’t find it easy to make time and space for themselves and their own needs. Pomegranate reconnects you to qualities of creativity, emotional receptivity and nurturing, and enables you to express those qualities more easily. It’s a wonderful essence to use when you want to experience more sensuality, sexuality, creativity and pleasure. It releases energetic blockages linked to the genitals and uterus so increases sensitivity, sensation, connection and awareness in these areas.
Pomegranate is helpful for all genders who didn’t receiving nurturing from their mothers in childhood and subsequently haven’t learnt how to develop their own nurturing qualities.
Keywords: Nurturing | Creativity | Femininity | Sensuality