Forgiveness Essence...
To see true forgiveness in action, watch a pure innocent young child, untainted by the travails of life, forgiving immediately the parent who has just scolded them. Watch the dog who has been beaten by his master, who, with open heart and love, goes to lick and console this person who now maybe feels guilty.
For-give means our love is for-giving. Forgiveness is a place within our heart chakras where there is no judgement of ourselves or others. When we judge another we become resentful of that person and hence forgiveness is impossible. By releasing our judgement of situations in childhood, or the way people behaved towards us, through an understanding that none are perfect (including ourselves), we are more able to access that closed off portion of our heart chakra to bring true forgiveness and love to really transform the situations & relationships of the past.
This combination of essences works by helping us to release judgement, so that love and forgiveness may take its place.
Keynotes: Opens the heart to more love & forgiveness, also towards oneself.