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for the empaths and highly sensitive people in your life
This is a wonderful gift set for anyone who gets overwhelmed by other people’s thoughts and emotions, feels energetically drained in crowds, and finds boundaries difficult. Essences are ideal for sensitive souls because the very sensitivity that can make life feel overwhelming means you will notice the benefits of using essences quickly and soon feel centred in your own energy.
The set contains:
Auric Protection spray quickly centres you in your own energetic space, Walnut essence helps you to feel protected, and White Bluebell Essence brings deeper understandings about why you pick up on other people’s thoughts and emotions.
20% Off Special Offer (Save £4.50 ) - Now £18.00
If you would like any help or advice with any of our Essences or Sets, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
01379 608059 or 01379 608032
or ++44 1379 608059 or ++44 1379 608032
Or Contact Us by Email
Choosing an essence either for yourself or someone else is a simple and easy process.
You can find some help, advice and tips and our Essence Selector here:
Choosing an Essence
Need Any Help? Call us on 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059 ) Monday to Friday | 9am to 5.30pm | Email Us
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