Mother Earth Essence...
Held in the memory banks of our Inner Child is often an awareness of being on the earth plane during times of her transition and shock.
Memories of being involved in earthquakes, tidal waves, erupting volcanoes, wars and bombings are just some of the energies released and transmuted by this essence. These memories may be held in the very deep subconscious as patterns from past lives, societies fears or even from this life.
All these energies create fear of being on Mother Earth and feelings that it is unsafe to be in a physical body. It is most important that we all learn to be happy in our sweet body, knowing it to be the sacred vehicle we have chosen to help bring love and light to Mother Earth and heal ourselves.
This essence helps us to feel safe and nurtured by Mother Earth on our Divine Path, essential to our well-being.
Keynotes: Ungroundedness through fears related to being here on Earth.