Simplicity Essence...
In today’s society a child is taught at school that it is best to become intellectual and there is a strong focus on the need to be able to achieve academically.
Not only is this pressurised approach very difficult for a child, it can also make us too mental in our approach to life. We can then easily lose our connection to the natural world, our instincts, feelings and intuition. When this happens, the masculine, rational, intellectual side of our nature, becomes too stimulated and overloaded, creating unnecessary pressure, headaches and the inability to relax.
Our natural state is one of balance in which our masculine and feminine natures work in harmony with each other. As we start to use the feminine creative, intuitive and receptive side of our nature alongside the masculine, we find that everything becomes much easier and that often the simplest ideas and ways of doing things are the best. When we were told in the bible that we need to “become as simple as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven” it did not mean that we become stupid or silly, but that we need to release our need to complicate things and retain that wonderful simplicity and openness of the child. To do this we also need to release our ego’s pride and feelings of superiority as we humbly acknowledge our position as a child of Mother/Father God here in Divine Service to our fellow man and equal to all other beings on this dear earth.
This essence helps us to return, in all humility, to the uncomplicated child that we once were.
Keynotes: To transform an overly logical, left-brained and confused mind.