Truth Essence...
From the mouths of babes……” A child will often speak pure, unadulterated truth, often at the expense of others feelings, simply because the child is pure, innocent and has nothing to hide. The child has not yet developed ulterior motives, hidden agendas, guile or the ability to lie. If you want to know exactly how things really are, ask a child.
Gradually, however, the child will loose the power of that plain, straight talking as it realizes that it is often not the way to gain peoples approval or love. The world has become used to emotional blackmail, manipulation and lies; it has become a part of life. Political parties get voted into government on the strength of what they profess to do when in power and then conveniently forget because it is no longer advantageous for them. Society’s values have become superficial, as we seem to have lost a lot of spiritual values like truth, honour and integrity.
As the child grows up blockages can form around the throat chakra creating potential for more wide spread problems in the energetic patterning associated with this chakra point. This essence will help us to speak our truth, unafraid and coming from an open heart, the place of unconditional Love. In this way the truth is harmful to none, everyone will know exactly how we feel, and we feel honest and in our integrity, our true, child-like self.
Keynotes: Helps one express oneself clearly, from the heart.