Bach Flower Remedy Set - 10ml Wooden Box Set | Crystal Herbs Shop | UK

Bach Flower Remedy Set - 10ml Wooden Box Set

Complete set of Bach Flower Remedies

You can explore our full range of Bach Flower Remedy boxed sets and kits here.

Bach Remedy Quick Guide

  • Agrimony - Smiles hide inner worry
  • Aspen - Apprehension, unknown fears
  • Beech - Over critical, intolerant
  • Centaury - Weak willed, subservient
  • Cerato - Lack of faith in ones own judgement
  • Cherry Plum - Fear of losing control, suicidal
  • Chestnut Bud - Inability to learn ones lessons
  • Chicory - Possessive, controlling
  • Clematis - Dreamy, absent minded
  • Crab Apple - Cleansing - physically & mentally
  • Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility
  • Gentian - Despondency, disappointment, lack of faith
  • Gorse - Hopelessness, despair
  • Heather - Overtalkative
  • Holly - Anger, Jealousy, Suspicion
  • Honeysuckle - Living in the past, homesickness
  • Hornbeam - Mental tiredness, procrastination
  • Impatiens - Impatience, irritability
  • Larch - Lack of confidence
  • Mimulus - Known fears, nervousness
  • Mustard - Gloom, depression for no apparent reason
  • Oak - The strengthener
  • Olive - Physical & metal tiredness, exhaustion
  • Pine - Feelings of guilt, unworthiness
  • Red Chestnut - Fear for others
  • Rock Rose - Extreme fear, nightmares
  • Rock Water - Self punishment, rigidity
  • Scleranthus - Indecision, inability to choose, balance
  • Star of Bethlehem - Shock, Trauma, Accidents
  • Sweet Chestnut - Extreme anguish, despair
  • Vervain - Over enthusiasm, perfectionism
  • Vine - Dominating, need for control over others
  • Walnut - Change, need for adaptability, protection
  • Water Violet - Proud, upright people, superiority
  • White Chestnut - Thoughts buzzing around in head
  • Wild Oat - Inability to see ones direction
  • Wild Rose - Apathy, lack of enthusiasm
  • Willow - Resentment, bitterness
  • Revival Remedy - Combination for Emergency Situations

About the Bach Flower Remedies

The 38 Bach Flower Remedies are a wonderful set of Essences that were created by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's and can be used to help you to achieve greater balance and harmony in your life. They work to balance how you are thinking and feeling and can very quickly help to restore a sense of balance and perspective within yourself. They are simple, effective and easy to use and they can be given to adults, children, pets and plants.

A Chicory flower

Our Bach Flower Remedies

Here at Crystal Herbs we have a deep love for the Bach Flower Remedies and the work of Dr Edward Bach. The Bach Remedies were the first essences that we started making back in the late 1980s and we have been making and using them ever since.Our Bach Flower Remedies are handmade with love and care according to the original instructions of Edward Bach, using his original methods and adhering exactly to the plant species that he identified. We offer our Bach Remedies in a 10ml or 25ml size bottle, and as individual bottles or complete or self select sets in a choice of wooden or card boxes. Our much loved Revival Remedy combination is available in a 10ml or 25ml dropper bottle, or as spray or a cream.

Bach Remedy Sets - a wonderful toolkit

  • The 38 Bach Remedies make a great tool kit and resource for yourself, family or friends or as part of a professional practice.
  • There are 38 different remedies to help you to re-balance your thoughts and emotions.
  • There are also two bottles of Revival Remedy combination, which is really useful for lots of situations that can arise in daily life.
  • A choice of a beautiful natural linden wood box with a hinged lid or a sturdy and attractive card presentation box to keep your remedies in.
  • Buying a set is an economical way to buy the 38 Bach remedies.
Bach Remedy Set montage - Chicory flowers potentising in a bowl, 10ml Bach set in a wooden box, 10ml Bach set in a card box, Centuary flowers and a pciture of Edward Bach in the centre of the image

"From making the Mother Tincture to bottling and labelling the stock bottles that we send you, each remedy is handmade with love and care helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of remedy. They are stock level remedies and we have been making them and offering them to customers round the world for over 30 years."

Help and Advice

Help & Advice

Rose Flower Essences

If you would like any help or advice with any of our Essences or Sets, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.

01379 608059 or 01379 608032

or ++44 1379 608059 or ++44 1379 608032

Or Contact Us by Email

Choosing An Essence

Choosing an essence either for yourself or someone else is a simple and easy process.

You can find some help, advice and tips and our Essence Selector here:

Choosing an Essence

Need Any Help? Call us on 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059 ) Monday to Friday | 9am to 5.30pm | Email Us