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Heal Thyself was Dr. Edward Bach's seminal work on his understandings of the real causes of illness and disease. First published in 1931, it was revolutionary at the time, and is still an inspiring and thought provoking read now. Nora Weeks, a long term friend and colleague of Edward Bach, wrote of Heal Thyself that "the book contains the fruits of the great knowledge of human nature he had gained during his many years of intense study of every type of individual in good and ill health, and explains the true cause of disease and the principles of the new healing". In Heal Thyself, Dr. Bach lays out the philosophy behind the remedies, which is as simple as it is profound; that life on the physical plane of existence is intended to be a conscious partnership between the physical (personality) and non-physical (soul) aspects of ourselves. When we are in alignment with ourselves at all levels of our being, we come into balance at all levels, and essentially, this is what the wonderful 38 remedies help us to do.
NB - This book is also included in the Collected Writings of Edward Bach
Author: Edward Bach
60 Pages
Dr. Edward Bach is best known for creating and developing his ground breaking Bach Flower Remedies, a set of 38 flower essences that he created in the 1930's. Although less well know than his remedies, his writings and teachings provide an equally important and deeply insightful exploration into the underlying causal reasons for illness and disease. You can find out more about Edward Bach on our website here: Dr Edward Bach - the Life & Work of Dr Bach and on our dedicated Bach Flower Remedy website here: Dr. Edward Bach - the story of the man behind the Bach Flower Remedies
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