Blue Moon Flower Essence...
The Blue Moon rose is a beautiful and most unusually coloured rose that offers us the opportunity to resolve heart chakra blockages caused by long forgotten issues from the past. Often these are painful old heart wounds that we have relegated to the shadowy regions of awareness, and which are now forming elusive pockets of resistance as we try to expand our heart consciousness.
Old heart wounds can be caused by many issues but the one thing they have in common is that they have led us to close down our hearts and to believe that there is something wrong with us, which we must hide away from others as well as ourselves. Because the original intention was based on self-preservation it can sometimes be hard to bring these old issues out of the shadows to dissolve them.
The Blue Moon essence is the one to choose to help you do this. Use it to bring hidden blockages and defence patterns into awareness for resolution and transformation so that your heart chakra can open and expand more fully again. The Blue Moon essence will help to illuminate those areas of your heart that are not currently lit up by love.
This would be a good essence to take if you feel that there’s something limiting your ability to live from the fullness of your heart, but you don’t yet have a full picture of what it is.
Keywords: Emotional Pain | Shadow | Heart Wounds | Resistance | Transformation | Open Hearted