Relate Essence...
This combination of essences helps to bring a raise in consciousness. This will then help us to have more understanding, at a deeper level than before, of situations in childhood, and particularly our own emotional re-actions which were developed as mechanisms for the child’s survival.
As an example, if the child was denied a fathers love, that child may have reacted by always trying to please him in order to win his love. The child may have then grown up with this pattern, then projected it onto men in general, and will always be trying to win their approval.
This can be at great detriment to their own personality development and creative growth. They will then continue to draw to them in all relationships with men, those who would abuse them or bully them, subjugating the persons own needs to second place. Until, that is, the pattern is recognised, worked on and healed. Then we no longer attract dysfunctional relationships and open the door to more harmony.
This is just one example of the many re-actions and emotional responses we develop in childhood which later need healing.
Keynotes: Helps one communicate with others in a more open and honest way.