Relationships, Intimacy Issues & Relating to Others | Crystal Herbs Shop | UK

Relationships, Intimacy Issues & Relating to Others

Relationships, Intimacy Issues & Relating to Others
Nettle flower close up

Essence Suggestions for Relationships, Intimacy Issues & Relating to Others

Here you can find the different Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that we offer that work with relationship issues, intimacy and relating to others. You can choose one or more of the following essences to help with these issues...

Keywords - Relationship Difficulties | Lack of Intimacy | Trust

More on Relationships

Relationships of all kinds, including the one that we have with ourselves, form a fundamental aspect of all our lives. Often it is in our close relationships that we face our greatest challenges in life, sometimes beginning with the family that we choose for a particular incarnation. In these more challenging relationships it can sometimes be hard to recognize the gifts that we are offering each other that provide opportunities for all involved to learn and grow. Our relationships with others also offer us one of the greatest opportunities that we have to view ourselves, since those that we draw into our lives will reflect aspects of ourselves back to us. Our greatest difficulties in relationships usually relate to our inability to recognize this because our own emotional issues are clouding the view. Difficulties in sustaining intimate loving relationships in our lives relate to our own ability to give and receive love in a balanced way. The above combinations all offer slightly differing focuses on the theme of balance in relationships.

Keywords - Relationship Difficulties, Lack of Intimacy

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