Soul Gifts Essence...
This essence is one which helps us to remember our Soul gifts. These are the Divine Attributes which we carry within our akashic record, or Soul memory.
During previous lifetimes we have developed genuine talents which are many and varied, depending on our own particular soul journey. Each of us has chosen to learn about Unconditional Love through a different stream of conscious living, choosing to learn through fear, guilt or other ego patterns. As these are overcome, so we develop joy, peace, balance and many more wonderful qualities.
We also develop talents such as musicianship, artistry, knowledge of plants, and anything else you care to imagine. The ability to communicate with angels or to be really good at making things with ones hands for instance, are often the memories flooding through from previous incarnations.
Most of us have not even begun to access these treasures held in the secret recesses of our soul. This essence will help to bring through these Divine Accomplishments into our consciousness that we may utilise them now on our divine path for the joy and benefit of others and ourselves. This essence is best used in conjunction with meditation.
Keynotes: Helps infuse more Divine Soul Qualities into one’s daily life.