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This lovely collection brings together all of Dr. Bachs books and other writings and charts his inspiring journey from conventional medicine to the discovery of the Bach Flower Remedies.
The Collected Writings of Edward Bach brings together in one volume all of his writing on flower remedies, including books, articles, papers, letters and lectures. Included are the books 'Heal Thyself', 'The Twelve Healers & Other Remedies', 'Free Thyself' & 'Ye Suffer From Yourselves'. As well as writings on the Bach Flower Remedies you can also find writings on Dr Bach's earlier works on vaccines, homoeopathy and the bowel nosodes.
This book is required reading for anyone interested in or working with the Bach Flower Remedies!
Dr. Edward Bach is best known for creating and developing his ground breaking Bach Flower Remedies, a set of 38 flower essences that he created in the 1930's. Although less well know than his remedies, his writings and teachings provide an equally important and deeply insightful exploration into the underlying causal reasons for illness and disease. You can find out more about Edward Bach on our website here: Dr Edward Bach - the Life & Work of Dr Bach and on our dedicated Bach Flower Remedy website here: Dr. Edward Bach - the story of the man behind the Bach Flower Remedies
If you would like any help or advice with any of our Essences or Sets, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.
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