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Flower Essence Shop

Handmade Bach Flower Remedies | Flower Essences | Crystal Essences | Sets & More

Flower Essences to Help & Support Your Inner Journey...

Bach Flower Remedies and our deeper acting Flower Essences and combinations are a wonderful emotional support and powerful catalysts for change.

Flower Essences Handmade With Love & Care... each of our essences are handmade with love and care throughout the making process, from making the mother tincture to bottling & labelling the stock bottles that we send you, helping to ensure that we provide you with the best possible quality of essence

Need Any Help? Call us on 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059) Monday to Friday | 9am to 5.30pm | Email Us

Popular or New for the Month...

New Essences & Sets and popular highlights in the flower essence shop.

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Latest: What's New in the Flower Essence Shop

Explore any new flower & crystal essences and sets and any of our existing essences that we have changed or updated the definitions for.

Some of Our Single Flower & Crystal Essences...

Explore our selection of single flower essences and single gem & crystal essences.

Working With Subtle Energies & The Angelic Realms

Flower & vibrational essences for expanding your consciousness, working with your subtle energy systems and with the angelic realms.

Picture of a set of Platonic Solid Essences

The Platonic Solid Essences

These Vibrational Essences are made from sacred geometric shapes and are powerful reminders to our energy body of it's original matrix or blueprint.

Mix Your Own Custom Combinations...

Create a unique personal focus on the issues that you most need help with by making your own Bach Flower Remedy combination or deeper acting flower & crystal essence blend.

Featured Essences for the Month

The Inner Harmony Essence

Close up of the Inner Harmony Essence held in a hand.

Inner Harmony is a really helpful essence if find it difficult to relax, let go and switch off. It's a really good choice if you have an eternally busy mind or you're a very activity orientated person who habitually overworks or finds it difficult to ‘switch off’, rest or relax properly. It helps to promote inner relaxation and peacefulness, and is also helpful if you have any emotional or mental ‘tightness’. Inner harmony is a state created when the heart and mind work together in a balanced partnership in which the knowing of the heart is given equal status with that of the mind. In today’s activity orientated society the recognition of the importance of this balance has been all but lost, with the result that many people over strive in the outer world and can no longer slow down enough to connect meaningfully with themselves at an inner level.

The Inner Harmony Essence

Bach Flower Remedy Self Select Set

Bach Flower Remedy bottles lined up in a 10ml self select set

Our self select Bach Flower Remedy sets are an ideal starter or gift set. You can choose any 10 different Bach Flower Remedies for your set, which will come in an attractive card presentation box. Each remedy is at Stock Level and is handmade for you with love and care. We love the Bach Flower Remedies! They were originally created by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's and are very simple, natural, and effective remedies for working with the everyday thoughts, feelings and emotions that we all experience in our daily lives. The gentle, subtle energies of nature in the 38 remedies help you to develop a deeper inner peace, well-being and equilibrium in your mind, body & spirit.

Bach Flower Remedy Self Select Set

More to Explore

Need Any Help or Can’t find what you are looking for?

Using a Bach Flower Remedy combination

We have years of experience of working with Flower & Vibrational Essences and we're always happy to help! So if you need any help or advice, would like to talk through which essences would be most helpful for you, or discuss how to use any of our essences that you have already bought, please do give us a call.

Call us on 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059) Monday to Friday | 9am to 5.30pm

Email us here: Email Us

More Than Just A Flower Essence Shop

Reconnecting with the power of your heart and the wisdom of your soul... imagine a world where more and more people are opening their hearts, creating a collective blossoming, where love, beauty, purpose and soul wisdom can flourish. A place of deepening spiritual awakening and an understanding of the inherent unity and oneness of all things. This is the inner journey that we are all on. We have a deep and profound love for Flower & Vibrational Essences, because they are such powerful tools for helping you to make personal change, transformation & spiritual growth in your life. You can find out more about how the Bach Flower Remedies, Flower Essences and Vibrational Essences can help and support this inner journey here:

Exploring Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences About Flower Essences Bach Flower Remedies & Dr Edward Bach The Inner Journey of Change & Transformation The Flower Essence Blog

Ordering From Crystal Herbs

Some of the Crystal Herbs Team

Here at Crystal Herbs we are passionate about Flower & Vibrational Essences! We've been creating and developing Essences for over 30 years and all of our essences are handmade with love & care. As a specialist Flower Essence company our main focus is on producing the best quality Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that we can so that you have the tools that you need to empower and help yourself. More About Crystal Herbs

We love sending out orders because we know just how effective Essences can be in helping you with your journey of personal & spiritual growth. We send orders of all sizes to individuals, practitioners, shops and distributors all around the world.

You can order online here on our website or you can order by phone and we send to addresses in the U.K., E.U. & Worldwide. You can find all of our contact details here... Contact Us

Essences being held in hands

Sending Out Your Orders

We will usually dispatch your order either same or next working day. Orders are sent by Royal Mail or Courier, depending on the size of your order.

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Secure Payment Options

Secure Payments

You can pay for your orders securely by Stripe Payment Gateway or by Paypal - two industry leading providers, giving you peace of mind that your card transactions are secure.

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Practitioner & Therapist Accounts

Practitioner & Wholesale

If you are you a practitioner, therapist or you run a shop, you can find out more about our Practitioner Accounts and our Wholesale Accounts here:

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Need Any Help? Call us on 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059 ) Monday to Friday | 9am to 5.30pm | Email Us