Flower Essences & More for Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness...the feeling of mentally rushing from one thing to another, of trying to do the next thing on the list before you’ve completed what you’re doing, feeling time pressure, rushed or unable to slow down and stop, or feeling irritable, fiery and quick tempered, are all feelings associated with impatience.
Where to Start: From our combination essences that work directly with impatience, a really good place to start would be either Restoring Patience or Stillness. From our single essences, ones that are particularly helpful for working with impatience are Angel of Patience & Azurite / Malachite. You can use Impatiens from the Bach Flower Remedies to support any of the other essences in this section. You can also explore all of our other essences that work with impatience in various different ways.