Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness | Crystal Herbs Shop | UK

Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness

Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness
Osteospernum flower close up

Essence Suggestions for Impatience, Patience, Irritability & Stillness

Here you can find the different Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences that we offer that work with impatience & irritability, helping to develop patience & inner stillness. You can choose one or more of the following essences to help with these issues...

Keywords - Impatience, Patience, Pressure, Irritability, Stillness

More on Impatience

Patience is a quality that many of us need to develop in order to be fully present in the now - a most important part of our journey of transformation. One of the above Essence will help you to release feelings of impatience, pressure and irritability making it easier for you to connect with the Eternal Now.

Keywords - Impatience, Patience, Pressure, Irritability, Stillness

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