Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness | Crystal Herbs Shop | UK

Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness

Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness
Picture of Onion flower, with bottles of Restoring Patience Essence, Azurite/ Malachite crystal, Stillness Essence and Impatiens Bach Flower Remedy

Flower Essences & More for Impatience, Irritability, Patience & Stillness...the feeling of mentally rushing from one thing to another, of trying to do the next thing on the list before you’ve completed what you’re doing, feeling time pressure, rushed or unable to slow down and stop, or feeling irritable, fiery and quick tempered, are all feelings associated with impatience.

Where to Start: From our combination essences that work directly with impatience, a really good place to start would be either Restoring Patience or Stillness. From our single essences, ones that are particularly helpful for working with impatience are Angel of Patience & Azurite / Malachite. You can use Impatiens from the Bach Flower Remedies to support any of the other essences in this section. You can also explore all of our other essences that work with impatience in various different ways.

More on Impatience

Patience is a quality that many of us need to develop in order to be fully present in the now and experience the timelessness of ‘heart time’. The busy pace of modern life can put us under pressure to get things done quickly, and it’s all too common to feel that there isn’t enough time.  What’s more, life seems to be speeding up all the time, so it can feel like a challenge to stay patient, spacious and relaxed. We can feel pressurised by other people and our own inner sense of urgency, and end up feeling rushed, impatient, irritable or snappy. This reduces our ability to be ‘in the flow’ and makes it difficult to connect with our inherent, natural stillness. As we slow down and relax into the quiet inner space in our hearts we can detach from the constraints of linear time and discover our true ‘timeless nature’. Choose from the essences above to release feelings of impatience, pressure and irritability so you can slow down, take a breath, and connect with the Eternal Now.

Keywords - Impatience, Patience, Pressure, Irritability, Stillness

See Also:

Which Essences Should I Use?

Flower Essences and other Vibrational Essences help you release and transform old emotions, thought patterns and energies. They create change at an energetic level, from the inside out, supporting your emotional and psychological well-being, awakening deeper soul connection and supporting balance in your mind, body & spirit.

Getting Started... in the selection above you can find our combination essences, single essences and Bach Flower Remedies that work with impatience. Here is a short introduction to when to use each essence type and how they can best help you.

Combination Essences: Our flower & crystal essence combinations provide a deep acting focus on a particular issue, so they are a really good choice for working in-depth with the patterns or issues that you most need help with. Single Essences: our single flower essences and crystal essences each have their own unique focus and purpose and can be used individually or mixed together to make your own unique combinations. Bach Flower Remedies: the 38 Bach Remedies are gentle acting remedies which will help you to balance how you are thinking and feeling in the moment, and can be used by themselves or alongside any of the other essences as a valuable support.

See also: How to Choose an Essence | Choosing Essences for Children

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