Cosmos Flower Essence...
Cosmos flower essence helps you to express yourself clearly so is particularly useful if you are an introvert, quiet, shy, procrastinate, or find it difficult to speak from the heart.
Cosmos is useful in work situations where you need to communicate with others e.g. teaching, preparing a talk or workshop, communicating effectively in meetings, or if you have any kind of communication or marketing role. It improves communication in relationships by helping you to convey your spiritual, philosophical and emotional understandings in ways that other people can understand.
Cosmos enhances all types of creative expression because it links the heart and throat chakras. It helps you to express your truth in writing, art and other creative pursuits and aids the release of emotional tension that could otherwise get stuck in the heart chakra if you weren’t able to express yourself.
Keywords: Communication | Introvert | Self-expression | Suppressed emotions