Belief Patterns Set - Divine Harmony Essences | Crystal Herbs Shop | UK

Belief Patterns Set - Divine Harmony Essences

Transforming Belief Patterns

The Belief Patterns Set

The Divine Harmony Essences are specially blended flower, gem & crystal essence combinations to help you with each of the steps on your journey through life.

The 10 Divine Harmony Essences in the belief patterns set are each focussed on gently helping to bring old ingrained beliefs fully into awareness so that you can release and transform any old limiting belief patterns and more consciously create your life choices from a place of greater balance and harmony.

The 10 Divine Harmony Essences in this set are: Auric Protection, Being Present, Feeling Safe, Healing Abuse, Healing Relationships, Inner Harmony, Letting Go, Open to Receive, Sexuality and Transforming Addiction.

Auric Protection - Creating Safe Boundaries

Being Present - Grounding & Focus

Feeling Safe - Trusting in the Flow of Life

Healing Abuse - Disolving Old Trauma & Abuse

Healing Relationships - Restoring Intimacy & Trust

Inner Harmony - Relaxation, Balancing Heart & Mind

Letting Go - Dissolving & Attachment Emotional Pain

Open to Receive - Creating Abundance

Sexuality - Balancing Sexual Energy

Transforming Addiction - Dissolving Dependency

10ml Belief Patterns Set DH10-BeliefPatternsSet £59.00
25ml Belief Patterns Set DH25-BeliefPatternsSet £103.00

The Belief Patterns Group

Belief patterns are created when emotion and thought are combined with a sufficient focus of intent. Powerful beliefs shape the reality we create in our lives both individually and collectively. Positive life enhancing beliefs are important to our well being so if this is compromised in some way it can be a signal to explore our unconscious beliefs, since often our most influential and active beliefs are those that are below the level of our everyday awareness. Deep acting combinations of essences are an excellent way of gently helping to bring old ingrained beliefs fully into awareness so that we can evaluate and amend them to reflect our real choices.

The Ten Belief Patterns Essences

These powerful Flower, Gem & Crystal Essence combinations help to facilitate an inner change and transformation that is gentle, effective and life enhancing.

Auric Protection - Creating Safe Boundaries

Being Present - Grounding & Focus

Feeling Safe - Trusting in the Flow of Life

Healing Abuse - Disolving Old Trauma & Abuse

Healing Relationships - Restoring Intimacy & Trust

Inner Harmony - Relaxation, Balancing Heart & Mind

Letting Go - Dissolving & Attachment Emotional Pain

Open to Receive - Creating Abundance

Sexuality - Balancing Sexual Energy

Transforming Addiction - Dissolving Dependency

About the Divine Harmony Essences

Divine harmony is a state of inner balance in which mind, emotions and spirit work together as an integrated whole. The Divine Harmony Essences provide you with the tools that can help you to restore the balance between mind, emotions & spirit, allowing you to manifest your own highest potential.

Yarrow Flower


What are Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences?

Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences work at an energetic level to help you to re-balance your thoughts, feelings and subtle energy systems and are powerful tools for inner change & transformation. Using Essences can have a profound influence on your inner journey of personal & spiritual growth, and can help you to raise your level of awareness and consciousness.

Help and Advice

Help & Advice

Rose Flower Essences

If you would like any help or advice with any of our Essences or Sets, please do contact us and we would be very happy to help.

01379 608059 or 01379 608032

or ++44 1379 608059 or ++44 1379 608032

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Choosing An Essence

Choosing an essence either for yourself or someone else is a simple and easy process.

You can find some help, advice and tips and our Essence Selector here:

Choosing an Essence

Need Any Help? Call us on 01379 608059 (+44 1379 608059 ) Monday to Friday | 9am to 5.30pm | Email Us